What’s the Banner Contest?
The Banner Contest is an opportunity for you to show off your creativity while showcasing what makes your Chapter/Colony/State unique.
The rules are simple.
No larger than 66" x 96" -- the size of a twin bed flat top sheet.
Base Materials
You can use anything for the base of the banner as long as it meets the size restriction. Some possible base materials include a bed sheet, cardboard, butcher paper, craft paper, plastic tarp, etc.
Decoration Materials
You can use anything that will adhere to or be sewn onto the base material. Some possible decoration materials include paint, markers, pencils, pens, photos, glitter, stickers, etc.
Make a banner that shows what makes your Chapter/Colony/State special. Also be sure to showcase one or more of the four pillars of Alpha Zeta -- Leadership, Scholarship, Fellowship, and Character.
Banners from Former AZ Meetings

California Epsilon (Cal State Fresno) -- 2015

Cook (Rutgers) -- 2010

Cornell (Cornell University) -- 2019

Florida (University of Florida) -- 2023

Morrow (University of Illinois) -- 2009

North Carolina (NC State University) -- 2023

Puerto Rico (University of PR Mayaguez) -- 2015
What if I have other questions that aren't addressed on this page?
Just contact the AZ National Office for help. Call or text 636-449-5090 or e-mail info@alphazeta.org.