Chapter Activity Reports

Puerto Rico Chapter Rambutan Sell for Fundraising

Puerto Rico Chapter Rambutan Sell for Fundraising

Originally Posted By Jaileen Rivera Montes De Oca

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, October 28, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The purpouse of the rambutan collection was to sell them at college to gain funds for Alpha Zeta. On Monday 20th of October, we sold rambutans at the prices of $4.00 a pack of 20 units, and $0.25 the lone unit.  Though we started out in the Piñero building, we sent a few packs to the Student Center, to try out our luck. As it happens, it was a total success. Many people tasted the fruit for their very first time, admitting that they didn’t even know the exotic fruit existed and comparing it to sea urchins or fictional fruits. However, most of them decided that they liked it pretty much.  Others that already knew the fruit expressed their gratefulness at our having sent units to the Student Center, since our initial building was much too far for them. We were able to sell of the collected rambutans between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, raising around $500 for Alpha Zeta. We also had the participation of 14 pledges during those hours of the sell. They showed much enthusiasm, though some were a bit shy, and helped out very much.


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