Chapter Activity Reports

NC Chapter Milk Makes You Mooove CAO Event

NC Chapter Milk Makes You Mooove CAO Event

Author: Audrey Earnhardt/Wednesday, December 28, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Service to College or Campus, Promotion of Agriculture, Service to Community, Fellowship, North Carolina

At the same football game as our alumni tailgate, several members of Alpha Zeta participated in the Milk Makes you Mooove College Aggies Online (CAO) event. Before kick off, ten members of the North Carolina chapter handed out chocolate and whole milk to the various groups of people tailgating throughout the parking lots before the game. We were able to talk with various students about the true nutritional benefits of dairy and received the chance to answer a lot of good questions from these students. This was wonderful time of promoting agriculture to part of NC State’s student population, as well as having fellowship with one another!


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