Chapter Activity Reports

NC Chapter Annual Christmas Tree Fundraiser

NC Chapter Annual Christmas Tree Fundraiser

Author: Audrey Earnhardt/Wednesday, December 28, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Fundraising, Promotion of Agriculture, Chapter Development, Fellowship, North Carolina

It was that time of the year again, where the North Carolina chapter of Alpha Zeta sold Christmas trees and wreaths as one of our big annual fundraisers. We went to various buildings on NC State’s campus and asked students and faculty about buying trees and wreaths from us. Many members also sold these items to their friends and family back home. We offered all sizes of trees and wreaths locally grown in the western part of North Carolina! The last day to turn in our orders was November 23rd and the trees and wreaths were delivered to us and available for pick-up the morning of December 3rd on the campus.

In total our chapter sold $5,172 worth of trees and wreaths. After paying those providing us with the beautiful trees and wreaths we raised a total of $2,721 for our chapter. We sold 73 trees and 94 wreaths all together. Our top seller was Carter Askew who sold a whopping $1,588 worth of trees and wreaths. The second top seller, Amanda Sautner, was able to sell $340 worth of trees and wreaths. For selling the most trees our top seller received a yeti cooler and then second place received a yeti mug.


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