Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter Big/Little Reveal

Florida Chapter Big/Little Reveal

Last night the Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta had their Big/Little reveal and potluck hosted by the pledge class. I assigned corresponding costumes to both the Big and their Little. For example, we had Nemo and Dory, Men in Black and an alien, Batman and Robin. It was a fun time for everyone, and the pledges finally get to know who their Big is! I chose their Bigs based on speed dating that we had 2 weeks ago. All of the Bigs had a minute to talk to a pledge before moving on to the next one. Each pledge also filled out a questionnaire. Once littles were assigned, each Big got a plain white bag to decorate for their little and get them a gift to present them at the reveal. I got my little an old AZ tshirt, an AZ keychain, and some hand sanitizer. I also had a contest for "best decorated bag". The winner, Promy Tobassum, hand drew her entire bag!

All in all, it was a great evening filled with food, laughter, and memories to last a lifetime! 
Wednesday, March 25, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5562)/Comments (0)/