Alumni News

Virginia Chapter hosts their Sixth Annual Agriculture Pageant

Virginia Chapter hosts their Sixth Annual Agriculture Pageant

Author: Lauren Myers/Wednesday, March 24, 2021/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Activity Type:, Fellowship, Chapter Name:, Virginia, Featured Alumni

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On Monday, March 22nd, The Virginia Chapter held its Sixth Annual Ag Pageant and was the first year the event was held virtually. The purpose of this event is to promote the student organizations in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and College of Natural Resources and Environment during National Agriculture Week. The evening kicked off with introductions from the contestants and judges. The judges this year were all Virginia Tech faculty, and several are alums of Alpha Zeta. We were honored to have Dr. Shelly Rhoads, Dr. Luke Juran, and Dr. Richard Crowder judging the contest. Our contestants were Lexie Butler of Block and Bridle, Chrissy Putman of Dairy Club, Sydney Lallier of Sigma Alpha Sorority, Katie Kirkpatrick of Poultry club, and Arwen Kaleshefski of Students for Cultivating Change. 

After the introductions came a question-and-answer session by the judges followed by the final round where contestants dressed in a costume that represented their club or major. Dairy Club's Chrissy Putman not only won the People's Choice Award, but also took home the honors of Ms. Agriculture. Thank you to all who came out and a special thanks to the judges and students who served behind the scenes in planning the event.


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