Chapter Activity Reports

UF TCBY Fundraiser 11/1/11

UF TCBY Fundraiser 11/1/11

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter held a fundraiser at TCBY from 9-10 p.m. where we receive a certain percentage of the profits from the night. Members came out to meet up with each other and catch up on what has been going on with each other out of class and our meetings.  Of course, this is best done while eating ice cream! Members chow down on frozen yogurt and icecream of all kinds while enjoying the company of members.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3848)/Comments (0)/
UF Coldstone Creamery Fundraiser 9/15/11

UF Coldstone Creamery Fundraiser 9/15/11

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

This fundraiser at Coldstone Creamery was a chance for members to come out and meet up with each other outside of lectures and relax. Members were allowed to invite the customers into the store and share a little about Alpha Zeta while they waited on their icecream. A lucky few got to work the line mixing icecream for customers and serenade them for tips! Some of the lyrics went like "Scooby Dooby Doo.. We scoop for you.. We hope you like your icecream.. Money in the jar gives us gas for our car.. So we'd really like to thank you!" We received a portion of the sales made during our shift from 5-8 p.m. A lot of members had a blast helping out and raising money for the chapter. 


Thursday, September 15, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4594)/Comments (0)/
North Carolina Coldstone Fundraiser

North Carolina Coldstone Fundraiser

Originally posted by Madeline N. Dabolt

On April 19th, several of our brothers scooped at the Coldstone Creamery in Cary, NC.  While they helped serve delicious ice cream for two hours, the rest of the brotherhood and their friends enjoyed the ice cream creations. A couple of us had the "All lovin', no oven".  It was amazing, but sweet. All of us enjoyed socializing and hanging out as a brotherhood in the good weather that day.  We raised $120 to support the brothers that attended NALC at the beginning of the month.
Monday, May 9, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3919)/Comments (0)/
NC Relay For Life

NC Relay For Life

Originally posted by Madeline N. Dabolt

On April 8th, North Carolina State University hosted their annual Relay For Life on Lee Field.  18 of our brothers went out and supported Cancer research in hopes to raise money.  As an on-site fundraiser we had Cornhole boards put out so people could pay to play.  The event did not last too long into the night like it was supposed to because of bad weather.  By 11 o'clock we had to take down everything and leave.  Everyone that participated in this event had a blast even when it started to rain.
Thursday, April 28, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4041)/Comments (0)/

UF Pledge Spring '11 Gelato Co. Fundraiser 4-11-11

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

Pledges and members were invited to come out to the Gelato Company to support the new 2011 spring pledge class. Alex Gentilella, fundraising chair, planned the event, and thirteen were in attendance. It also was an opportunity to meet and greet with members and alumni. Ice cream is always a great opportunity for the pledge class and members to come closer, especially before initiation.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4006)/Comments (0)/
AZ Hydroponic System 2 (Puerto Rico chapter)

AZ Hydroponic System 2 (Puerto Rico chapter)

Originally posted by Frank P. Acevedo Irizarry

The Puerto Rico chapter decided to install a second hydroponic system in the Alzamora’s University Farm. The purpose of the project is to provide to the professors of the Crop and Agro-Enviromental Sciences a resource for the education. The Puerto Rico chapter also donates the coriander seedlings for the project. This system will be used in the plant nutrition, food production, and plant physiology courses Gustavo Rodriguez (Alpha Zeta member) with the help of other active members will be in charge of the management and care of the system.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4935)/Comments (0)/
UF Hustle for Humanity Service 3-26-11

UF Hustle for Humanity Service 3-26-11

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

Habitat for Humanity's annual campus race! The route circles some of the busiest parts of campus, passing by the O'Connell Center, the Swamp, Turlington Plaza, and the Reitz Union. Planning involved our service chair, Kaitlyn Summerfield, making sure those that wanted to walk/run were registered, paid, and knew where to meet on campus. Our nine members that participated benefited by getting good exercise, socializing, and helping to support Alachua Habitat for Humanity who's goal is to provide safe, decent, affordable homes for families in need.
Sunday, March 27, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4519)/Comments (0)/
AZ Hydroponic System 1 (Puerto Rico chapter)

AZ Hydroponic System 1 (Puerto Rico chapter)

Originally posted by Frank P. Acevedo Irizarry

Three alpha zeta members install a hydroponic system. The initiative started with Gustavo Rodriguez who realizes that the agricultural science department did not have any efficient hydroponic system. So he decided to increase the resources used for education. The crops will be sold to raise funds for the chapter.
Friday, March 25, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4580)/Comments (0)/
T- Shirt Sale!

T- Shirt Sale!

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

During March 15th to 19th, the faculty of Agricultural Science hosted one of the most important educational agricultural fair in Puerto Rico, "Five Days with Our Land" (Cinco Dias con Nuestra Tierra). At the fair, Alpha Zeta participated by setting up a table selling t-shirts which had as a reason to promote agriculture with the support of the new candidates and 15 members. The purpose of this sale is to raise funds to buy hydroponic plants and other projects.

Thursday, March 24, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4496)/Comments (0)/

UF TCBY Fundraiser 3-23-11

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

Our fundraising chair, Gernide Zamor, planned a fundraiser at our local TCBY (frozen yogurt/ice cream). UF AZ will receive a percentage of all purchases from nine to 10p.m. Planning involved scheduling a time with TCBY and letting the members know when and where to go. During the event attendance is taken. Once TCBY calculates how much AZ earned they will contact Gernide. AZ had 27 in attendance. We always enjoy having events that involve socializing and food, especially ice cream!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4152)/Comments (0)/