Chapter Activity Reports

Fundraising Ideas from the Islands

The Puerto Rico chapter has been busy all semester hosting various fundraising events for their chapter.  Here is a sampling of some of their most recent events:Haiti Fundraiser February 21-22 As a way to help out the victims of the February 12 earthquake in Haiti, members put a table in front of a local supermarket in the Mayagüez Town Center to collect money and items to send to the Haiti.  Items collected included canned goods, water and first-aid supplies.  Breakfast SellMarch ...
Friday, April 16, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5200)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Chapter News

Arizona volunteers at Earth Day 2010 Festival

This year, The University of Arizona's Student Sustainability Initiative is partnering with two world-renowned environmental research institutes to bring Earth Day to the world like it has never been before, at Biosphere 2.  On April 17, members of the Arizona Chapter of Alpha Zeta will volunteer and take part in the Second Annual Earth Day 2010 Festival being held at Biosphere 2 near the University of Arizona.Of the 100 student volunteers, around 15  are members of Alpha Zeta, and view ...
Friday, April 16, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5084)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Chapter News

Fun-Raiser at Local Restaurant

On March 24, the Cal Epsilon Chapter held a "Fun-Raiser" event at a local Sweet Tomatoes restaurant.  The event was held to benefit the chapter. People would bring in the flier that was created and 15% of sales that was generated went to the chapter. The event was a success and helped bring members as well as their family and friends out to enjoy a nice meal while also helping raise money for the chapter.The chapter's secretary had to make arrangements with Sweet Tomatoes prior to the event.
Friday, April 16, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5054)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Chapter News

Cal Epsilon Wins Top National Honors

Fresno State Alpha Zeta chapter wins top national honorsThe California State University, Fresno chapter of the Alpha Zeta honorary agriculture fraternity won the 2010 Founders Cup and the National Outstanding Officer of the Year at National Agriculture Leadership Conference.Ten Fresno State students represented the Cal Epsilon chapter of Alpha Zeta at the conference April 8-10 in Brunswick, N.J.View the full article on Fresno State ...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5563)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Chapter News