Alumni News

North Carolina: Haw River Pollinator Garden Clean-up

North Carolina: Haw River Pollinator Garden Clean-up

October 24th, 2020, members of the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta traveled to Haw River in Alamance County to assist in the clean-up efforts of the pollinator garden. Brothers cleaned debris and pulled weeds in preparation to plant a native seed pollinator mix. Thank you to Alumni, Brother Wilson, for sharing this project with us and thank you to Brother Deese for organizing the event. 

Monday, October 26, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (7082)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
North Carolina: Blackland Farm Managers Virtual Tour

North Carolina: Blackland Farm Managers Virtual Tour

On October 20th, 2020, members of the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta tuned into the Virtual Blackland Farm Managers Tour posted on Youtube by Beaufort County Cooperative Extension. Brothers watched a series of pre-recorded videos with topics ranging from Foliar Fertilizers to Soybean Fungicidal Seed Treatments. Thank you to alumni, Brother Kaitlyn Moody Milstein for bringing this opportunity to our attention and thank you to Brother Barber for organizing the event for the Brotherhood. Once again, North Carolina Cooperative Extension continues to provide excellent educational material for the public.

If anyone is interested, here is the link to the Beaufort County Extension’s youtube channel where we accessed the videos:

Wednesday, October 21, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (6257)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Trivia with Commissioner Steve Troxler : Brothers Test Agriculture Knowledge

Trivia with Commissioner Steve Troxler : Brothers Test Agriculture Knowledge

On October 13th, 2020, active members and distinguished alumni of the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta participated in a virtual trivia with the North Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture, Steve Troxler. As a part of his re-election campaign, Troxler engaged with the community by answering questions and offering insight on some of the biggest areas of North Carolina Agriculture. Did you know that North Carolina is ranked #1 in production of both Tobacco and Sweet Potatoes? Thank you to Brother Davis for inviting the Brotherhood to this event.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (5955)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
NC Chapter Hold’s Rush/ Information Session for Potential New Members

NC Chapter Hold’s Rush/ Information Session for Potential New Members

On October 6th and 7th, 2020, the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta held Rush via Zoom to foster interest in the Fraternity. Both nights, our committee heads and officers spoke about our activities and why we all enjoy being a part of Alpha Zeta. It was exciting to see a few potential new members, answer their questions and as well get a reminder of why we all love this Brotherhood so much. Due to COVID-19 restrictions on NC State’s campus, the Fraternity has decided to postpone Fall New Member Education Week until next Spring but still held Rush to prepare. Thank you to all active members and advisors who shared their sentiment for our organization and gave a warm welcome to these potential new members. And a bigger thank you to Censor Cowles who organized and made this event a success! 

Friday, October 9, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (8346)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
North Carolina Chapter Participates in an Adopt-A-Highway Clean-up

North Carolina Chapter Participates in an Adopt-A-Highway Clean-up

On September 20th, 2020, nine Active Brothers of the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta participated in an Adopt-A-Highway Service project! Cleaning 1 mile of Trinity Road near Carter-Finley Stadium (Go Pack!), Brothers picked up 3 bags of trash and consolidated 1 bag of recyclable materials. What a great way to make an immediate impact on our Raleigh community and strengthen fellowship within the Brotherhood! Thank you to Brother Deese for organizing this project and to Scribe Furr for providing the materials!

Monday, September 21, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (9251)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
North Carolina Chapter Farm Tour to Muscadine Grape Farm

North Carolina Chapter Farm Tour to Muscadine Grape Farm

On September 19th, 2020, thirteen Active Brothers and an Alumni from the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta traveled (or tuned in via Zoom) to Bladen County for a farm tour of the Barber Family Farm. The Barber Farm (90 acres) is a contract grower to the Duplin Winery. They grow two different varieties of Muscadine grapes, Carlos and Dorine. Brothers got the opportunity to watch the grapes being harvested in season by a grape combine harvester. One box (pictured) holds about 1,500 pounds of grapes. One 18-wheeler truck load of 38 boxes of grapes can weigh 28 to 30 tons. Thank you to Brother Barber, Sonya, George and Luke for letting us visit and giving us such a wonderful and interesting tour!

Monday, September 21, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (8384)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Annual Officer Retreat: North Carolina Chapter

Annual Officer Retreat: North Carolina Chapter

On July 10th and 11th, the newly inducted officers of the North Carolina Chapter met for a business meeting and officer retreat. The business meeting was productive in that ideas for this unprecedented year concerning community service projects, new member education week and active status requirements were discussed. Saturday (11th) part of the officer team took a trip to White Lake where afterwards they took a farm tour of a Bladen County Muscadine farm. Although much is unknown about this next semester, we are looking forward to seeing everyone at our first chapter meeting (via Zoom) on Wednesday August 12th!

Monday, August 10, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (7015)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Small Grains Extension Farm Tour- North Carolina Chapter

Small Grains Extension Farm Tour- North Carolina Chapter

On Thursday April 23rd, several members of the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta attended a pre-recorded virtual field day of NC Small Grains via Zoom. This research station managed by North Carolina State University is located in Salisbury, North Carolina. In our virtual tour, we learned about weed control, fungicides, malting barley and much more. A big thank you goes out to our alumni, Kaitlyn Milstein, who not only brought this experience to our attention but was generous enough to join our Zoom call and answer a few questions about the tour and gave us guidance in our discussion. Additionally, thank you to NC State Extension for providing this wonderful educational resource for students like us.  

If anyone is interested, here is a link to Small Grains Extension’s youtube channel where we accessed the videos:  

Tuesday, June 9, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (6361)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
NC Chapter Holds Officer Elections Through Zoom

NC Chapter Holds Officer Elections Through Zoom

On Wednesday, April 15th, the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta held officer elections, selected our newest advisor and delegated awards to distinguished brothers. We shared our utmost appreciation and thanks to our previous officer team as well as our beloved seniors for all they have done for our wonderful fraternity. We are so proud of our North Carolina State University graduates and wish them nothing but the best in their future endeavors. Additionally, we want to once again say thank you to our alumni and advisors who attended the meeting as well, offering a helping hand when needed in our discussions throughout the night. Best of luck to our new officer team, and Go Pack! 

North Carolina Chapter Officers 2020-21: 

Chancellor Kristina Phelps 
Censor Taryn Cowles 
Scribe Micah Furr 
Treasurer Seth Moody 
Chronicler Madi Weast 
Newest Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Crouse, Distinguished Undergraduate Professor 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020/Author: Lauren Myers/Number of views (6942)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
North Carolina Chapter Participates in the Wake County Holiday Cheer Program December 13th, 2019

North Carolina Chapter Participates in the Wake County Holiday Cheer Program December 13th, 2019

NC Chapter sponsors a family in need through the Wake County Holiday Cheer Program

Monday, December 16, 2019/Author: Anonym/Number of views (13339)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating